WeeklyĀ Posts

IĀ post every weekĀ and share whatĀ I've learned as an online educator.

I've made over 10 million dollars teaching a subject that I LOVE (the guitar) using the information I'm sharing in these weekly posts.

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Apr 22, 2024 4th post goes here

This will be my final test post and the 4th one.

I will embed yet another video. See below:


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Apr 22, 2024 Third blog post will appear here

Like the previous 2, I will create a blog post with yet another embedded YouTube video

See below:...

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Apr 22, 2024 Blog post number 2

Now I'm creating my second blog post to see what it looks like.

I'll go ahead and embed a video...

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Apr 15, 2024 this is my first blog post

my first written essay content will go here

this will be the free content

I have done a...

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